ipaddress 1.1.0
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ipaddress Directory Reference


 Adds basic functionality for working with IPv4.
 Adds basic functionality for working with IPv6.
 Provides the byte_array template class for handling fixed-size byte arrays.
 Defines macros for library configuration.
 Defines macros to determine byte order.
 Declares error codes and exceptions for IP address operations.
 Provides a template for a fixed-length string suitable for use in non-type template parameters.
 Algorithms for calculating hash sums.
 Provides basic functionality for IP addresses.
 Provides iterator classes for sequential IP address traversal.
 Unified interface for handling both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
 Provides iterator classes for sequential unified traversal of IPv4 and IPv6.
 Defines the ip_network class for representing both IPv4 and IPv6 networks.
 Defines the base class for IP network representation.
 Iterator utilities for IP network address ranges.
 Defines constants for various reserved IP networks.
 The main include file for the ipaddress library.
 Provides a set of functions and classes for handling IPv4 addresses.
 Provides a set of functions and classes for handling IPv4 networks.
 Provides a set of functions and classes for handling IPv6 addresses.
 Provides a set of functions and classes for handling IPv6 networks.
 Manages an optional contained value within a class template.
 Defines uint128_t, a portable 128-bit unsigned integer type.
 Unicode character processing.