ipaddress 1.1.0
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optional.hpp File Reference

Manages an optional contained value within a class template. More...

#include "config.hpp"

Go to the source code of this file.


class  optional< T >
 A template class to manage an optional contained value. More...


namespace  ipaddress
 Namespace dedicated to IP addresses and networks operations.

Detailed Description

Manages an optional contained value within a class template.

Vladimir Shaleev

The optional class template is designed to handle situations where a value may or may not be present. It encapsulates a value in a way that does not require dynamic memory allocation, ensuring that the value, if present, is part of the optional object's footprint. This makes optional ideal for use as a return type for functions that may fail to return a value. An optional object can be contextually converted to bool, indicating whether a value is contained or not.