ipaddress 1.1.0
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ipv4-network.hpp File Reference

Provides a set of functions and classes for handling IPv4 networks. More...

#include "ipv4-address.hpp"
#include "ip-network-base.hpp"

Go to the source code of this file.


class  ipv4_network_base
 Base class for IPv4 network address manipulation. More...


namespace  ipaddress
 Namespace dedicated to IP addresses and networks operations.


using ipv4_network = ip_network_base<ipv4_network_base>
 Alias for the specialized ip_network_base class for IPv4.


template<fixed_string FixedString>
consteval inline ipv4_network operator""_ipv4_net () noexcept
 User-defined literal operator for creating an ipv4_network object from a string literal.

Detailed Description

Provides a set of functions and classes for handling IPv4 networks.

Vladimir Shaleev

This header file defines the ipv4_network_base class and ipv4_network type, which are part of a library for working with IPv4 network addresses. The ipv4_network_base class is derived from the base_v4 class and includes methods for manipulating network addresses. The ipv4_network is a typedef for the ip_network_base class specialized for IPv4, providing a convenient alias for users of the library.