ipaddress 1.1.0
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ip-any-address.hpp File Reference

Unified interface for handling both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. More...

#include "ipv6-address.hpp"

Go to the source code of this file.


class  ip_address
 A class that represents an IP address, supporting both IPv4 and IPv6 formats. More...


namespace  ipaddress
 Namespace dedicated to IP addresses and networks operations.


template<fixed_string FixedString>
consteval inline ip_address operator""_ip () noexcept
 User-defined literal for creating an ip_address from a fixed string at compile time.

Detailed Description

Unified interface for handling both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.

Vladimir Shaleev

This header defines the ip_address class, which provides a seamless and efficient way to handle IP addresses, supporting both IPv4 and IPv6 versions. It encapsulates the complexities of dealing with different IP versions and offers a simple and consistent API to work with. The class internally manages the storage and representation of the IP addresses, abstracting away the underlying details from the user.

The ip_address class is designed to be a versatile and robust solution for IP address manipulation in network-related applications. It integrates the ipv4_address and ipv6_address classes through a union, ensuring optimal space usage while maintaining the ability to represent both IP address versions. This file is part of a larger library that aims to provide comprehensive support for network operations.