ipaddress 1.1.0
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ipv6-address.hpp File Reference

Provides a set of functions and classes for handling IPv6 addresses. More...

#include "ipv4-address.hpp"
#include "base-v6.hpp"

Go to the source code of this file.


class  scope
 Represents the scope identifier for an IPv6 address. More...
class  ipv6_address_base
 Represents the base class for IPv6 address manipulation. More...


namespace  ipaddress
 Namespace dedicated to IP addresses and networks operations.


using ipv6_address = ip_address_base<ipv6_address_base>
 Alias for the base class specialized for IPv6 address manipulation.


template<fixed_string FixedString>
consteval inline ipv6_address operator""_ipv6 () noexcept
 User-defined literal for creating an ipv6_address from a fixed string at compile time.

Detailed Description

Provides a set of functions and classes for handling IPv6 addresses.

Vladimir Shaleev

Includes functionalities to convert IPv6 addresses to and from various formats, perform comparisons, and query specific properties of the addresses. It serves as a foundational component for network applications that require manipulation and analysis of IPv6 address data.