ipaddress 1.1.0
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ip-network-iterator.hpp File Reference

Iterator utilities for IP network address ranges. More...

#include "config.hpp"
#include "ip-address-iterator.hpp"

Go to the source code of this file.


class  ip_network_iterator< T >
 An iterator for traversing IP addresses within a network range. More...
class  ip_exclude_network_iterator< T >
 An iterator to traverse IP addresses within a network, excluding specified subnets. More...
class  subnets_sequence< T >
 A sequence container for subnet ranges within a network. More...
class  exclude_network_sequence< T >
 A sequence container for networks excluding specified subnets. More...


namespace  ipaddress
 Namespace dedicated to IP addresses and networks operations.

Detailed Description

Iterator utilities for IP network address ranges.

Vladimir Shaleev

This header provides iterator classes for traversing and manipulating IP network address ranges. It includes iterators for iterating over individual IP addresses within a network, excluding certain subnets, and iterating over subnets within a larger network. These utilities are essential for applications that require detailed control over IP address management and enumeration.