ipaddress 1.1.0
No Matches

IP addresses

For working with IP addresses, the library provides three classes:

  • ipv4_address — A class for working with IPv4 addresses, where the instance size is always 4 bytes.
  • ipv6_address — A class for working with IPv6 addresses, where the instance size includes both the space allocated for the IPv6 address itself and the scope id (zone index). As a result, the instance size will be 16 bytes plus the maximum length of the scope id (plus aligned bytes if any). Read about scope ids below.
  • ip_address — Combines the ipv4_address and ipv6_address classes via a union. This ensures version-independent IP address manipulation. It has implicit constructors for converting from ipv4_address and ipv6_address. The instance size is the same as that of ipv6_address plus IP address version (and data alignment).
Regardless of which class you use, the internal address is stored as an array of bytes, not as an unsigned integer. This design choice ensures that the address is stored in network byte order (big-endian) regardless of the platform. This is convenient because ultimately, this address can be used in sockets or similar libraries that require passing addresses in network byte order.
All operations on addresses support compile-time computations. If an address is specified as a constant, during compilation, we get: errors if the address was entered incorrectly, the resulting IP address represented as bytes, and any other operations on addresses.

Parsing ip strings

Let's look at examples of obtaining IP addresses from string literals and strings.

using namespace ipaddress;
int main() {
// Parsing string literals for IPv4 and IPv6. Note that IPv6 addresses
// in string form can be specified in various formats. The following addresses are equivalent:
// - fe80::1ff:fe23:4567:890a%eth2
// - FE80::1FF:FE23:4567:890A%eth2
// - fe80:0:0:0:1ff:fe23:4567:890a%eth2
// - fe80:0000:0000:0000:01ff:fe23:4567:890a%eth2
// Thanks to constexpr, for example, ip1 will be expanded into an array of bytes during compilation,
// and parsing will not occur at runtime. It can be presented like this for clarity:
// constexpr const ipaddress::ipv4_address ip1 =
// {{{}, {{(unsigned char)192U, (unsigned char)168U, (unsigned char)1U, (unsigned char)1U}}}};
constexpr auto ip1 = ipv4_address::parse("");
constexpr auto ip2 = ipv6_address::parse("64:ff9b::");
constexpr auto ip3 = ip_address::parse("fe80::1ff:fe23:4567:890a%eth2"); // any version address
// Parsing string literals for IPv4 and IPv6 with the new syntax starting from C++20
// (Literal Classes as Non-type Template Parameters)
constexpr auto ip4 = ipv4_address::parse<"">();
constexpr auto ip5 = ipv6_address::parse<"fe80::1ff:fe23:4567:890a%eth2">();
constexpr auto ip6 = ip_address::parse<"">(); // any version address
// Parsing with User-defined literals
constexpr auto ip7 = ""_ipv4;
constexpr auto ip8 = "fe80::1ff:fe23:4567:890a%eth2"_ipv6;
constexpr auto ip9 = "fe80::1ff:fe23:4567:890a%eth2"_ip; // any version address
// Parsing at runtime. For example, when a string comes from an input
// field during execution or from any other source.
const char* str1 = "";
const std::string str2 = "fe80::1ff:fe23:4567:890a%eth2";
auto ip10 = ipv4_address::parse(str1);
auto ip11 = ipv6_address::parse(str2);
auto ip12 = ip_address::parse(str2); // any version address
return 0;
The main include file for the ipaddress library.
Namespace dedicated to IP addresses and networks operations.
Definition base-v4.hpp:18
For compile-time computations, the ipaddress library uses relaxed constexpr, which was introduced only in C++14. Therefore, for C++11, the ipaddress library does not support constant expressions. It is recommended to use the C++14 language standard or newer versions.

Access to specific versions of IP addresses for ip_address is demonstrated below.

using namespace ipaddress;
int main() {
// With ipv4_address and ipv6_address everything is clear,
// everything is known from their types
constexpr auto ipv4 = ipv4_address::parse("");
constexpr auto ipv6 = ipv6_address::parse("fe80::1ff:fe23:4567:890a%eth2");
constexpr auto ipv4_version = ipv4.version(); // V4
constexpr auto ipv6_version = ipv6.version(); // V6
constexpr auto ipv4_size = ipv4.size(); // 4
constexpr auto ipv6_size = ipv6.size(); // 16
// But that's not the case for ip_address
constexpr auto ip1 = ip_address::parse("");
constexpr auto ip2 = ip_address::parse("fe80::1ff:fe23:4567:890a%eth2");
// Below is how to distinguish between different versions of IP
constexpr auto ip1_version = ip1.version(); // V4
constexpr auto ip2_version = ip2.version(); // V6
constexpr auto ip1_size = ip1.size(); // 4
constexpr auto ip2_size = ip2.size(); // 16
// Check which IP version is stored in ip_address for ip2
constexpr auto ip2_is_v4 = ip2.is_v4(); // false
constexpr auto ip2_is_v6 = ip2.is_v6(); // true
// Access to specific versions of IP addresses for ip2
constexpr auto ip2_get_ipv4 = ip2.v4();
constexpr auto ip2_get_ipv6 = ip2.v6();
if (ip2_get_ipv4) { // false
constexpr auto result = ip2_get_ipv4.value();
if (ip2_get_ipv6.has_value()) { // true
constexpr auto result = ip2_get_ipv6.value(); // get ipv6
return 0;
The library also supports working with Unicode C++ strings such as UTF-8, UTF-16, UTF-32 and wide-char (char8_t, char16_t, char32_t and wchar_t). For strings with a base type of char, it is assumed that the input string consists of an ASCII character sequence and is not encoded with any encoding. If your application uses the Unicode encoding UTF-8 for incoming strings with a base type of char, you can define the macro IPADDRESS_CHAR_IS_UTF8. In this case, all incoming strings with a base type of char will be interpreted as UTF-8 encoding. Despite the support for Unicode, it's important to note that for successful parsing of IP addresses, the incoming string must contain valid symbols for IP addresses.

From uint/To uint

Below is code demonstrating how to create IP addresses from unsigned integers and convert them back to unsigned integers.

using namespace ipaddress;
int main() {
// Unsigned integers in host endianness
constexpr ipv4_address::uint_type u1 = 0xC0A80001; // std::uint32_t
constexpr ipv6_address::uint_type u2 = 281470681743360ULL; // ipaddress::uint128_t
constexpr auto ip1 = ipv4_address::from_uint(u1);
constexpr auto ip2 = ipv6_address::from_uint(u2);
constexpr auto ip3 = ip_address::from_uint(u1); // any version address
// Get unsigned integers in host endianness
// Explicit conversions are also available:
// - constexpr auto value1 = (std::uint32_t) ip1;
// - constexpr auto value2 = (ipaddress::uint128_t) ip2;
// - constexpr auto value3 = (std::uint32_t) ip3;
constexpr auto value1 = ip1.to_uint();
constexpr auto value2 = ip2.to_uint();
constexpr auto value3 = ip3.to_uint32(); // ip_address does not define to_uint to avoid accidental errors
return 0;
typename ipv4_address_base::uint_type uint_type
Definition ip-address-base.hpp:59
ipaddress defines its type uint128_t to work with 128-bit unsigned integers. It is designed to fill the gap in the C++ standard, which does not natively support 128-bit integers across all platforms. Unlike compiler-specific extensions like __int128, uint128_t ensures compatibility and portability across different compilers and architectures.
The implementation is inspired by the algorithms used in the .NET framework's UInt128, providing a reliable foundation for arithmetic operations and other integer-related functionalities.

Working with bytes

Below is an example of working with bytes and pointers to bytes directly.

using namespace ipaddress;
int main() {
constexpr ipv6_address::base_type ipv6_bytes {
0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 255, 255,
0, 0, 0, 0
// Creating IP addresses from byte arrays of a fixed size
constexpr auto ip1 = ipv4_address::from_bytes({ 0xC0, 0xA8, 0x00, 0x01 });
constexpr auto ip2 = ipv6_address::from_bytes(ipv6_bytes);
constexpr auto ip3 = ip_address::from_bytes(ipv6_bytes); // any version address
// Creation from a pointer to bytes.
// If the number of bytes is less than the target number of bytes to represent
// the IP address, the missing bytes will be filled with zeros.
// If the number of bytes is greater than the target number of bytes represented
// by the IP address, then the extra bytes will be ignored.
constexpr std::uint8_t ipv4_bytes[] = { 0xC0, 0xA8, 0x00, 0x01 };
constexpr auto iv4 = ipv4_address::from_bytes(ipv4_bytes, 3);
constexpr auto iv5 = ipv6_address::from_bytes(ipv4_bytes, 3);
constexpr auto ip6 = ip_address::from_bytes(ipv4_bytes, 3, ip_version::V4);
constexpr auto ip7 = ip_address::from_bytes(ipv6_bytes.data(), 11, ip_version::V6);
// bytes() provides read access to fixed-length byte arrays
// A fixed-size byte array is represented by the byte_array type.
// It provides full functionality for byte access and iterators.
// std::array is not used because before C++17 it was not able to work
// with constant expressions for iterators, etc.
constexpr auto ip1_byte_count = ip1.bytes().size(); // 4
constexpr auto ip2_byte_count = ip2.bytes().size(); // 16
constexpr auto ip3_byte_count = ip3.is_v4()
? ip3.v4().value().bytes().size()
: ip3.v6().value().bytes().size();
// data() provides a constant pointer to a byte array
constexpr auto test1 = *(ip1.data() + 1); // 168
constexpr auto test2 = *(ip2.data() + 10); // 255
constexpr auto test3 = *(ip3.data() + 11); // 255
return 0;
typename ipv6_address_base::base_type base_type
Definition ip-address-base.hpp:58


For classes for working with IP addresses, comparison operators and spaceship operator (for C++20 and newer) have been redefined.

using namespace ipaddress;
int main() {
constexpr auto ip1 = ipv6_address::parse("fe80::1ff:fe23:4567:890a");
constexpr auto ip2 = ipv6_address::parse("fe80::1ff:fe23:4567:890b");
constexpr auto test1 = ip1 == ip2; // false
constexpr auto test2 = ip1 != ip2; // true
constexpr auto test3 = ip1 < ip2; // true
constexpr auto test4 = ip1 <= ip2; // true
constexpr auto test5 = ip1 >= ip2; // false
constexpr auto test6 = ip1 > ip2; // false
// If scope id is specified, it will also be taken into account when comparing
constexpr auto ip3 = ipv6_address::parse("fe80::1ff:fe23:4567:890a%eth2");
constexpr auto ip4 = ipv6_address::parse("fe80::1ff:fe23:4567:890a%eth1");
constexpr auto test7 = ip2 == ip3; // false
constexpr auto test8 = ip2 != ip3; // true
constexpr auto test9 = ip2 < ip3; // false
constexpr auto test10 = ip2 <= ip3; // false
constexpr auto test11 = ip2 >= ip3; // true
constexpr auto test12 = ip2 > ip3; // true
constexpr auto test13 = ip3 == ip4; // false
constexpr auto test14 = ip3 != ip4; // true
constexpr auto test15 = ip3 < ip4; // false
constexpr auto test16 = ip3 <= ip4; // false
constexpr auto test17 = ip3 >= ip4; // true
constexpr auto test18 = ip3 > ip4; // true
return 0;


The library provides many properties for determining certain features of an IP address. Let's look at the example below (all possible properties are not presented here; for a more complete picture, see the documentation for the code).

using namespace ipaddress;
int main() {
constexpr auto test1 = ipv6_address::parse("ffff::").is_multicast(); // true
constexpr auto test2 = ip_address::parse("fdff::").is_multicast(); // false
constexpr auto test3 = ipv4_address::parse("").is_reserved(); // true
constexpr auto test4 = ip_address::parse("").is_reserved(); // false
constexpr auto ip = ip_address::parse("2002:ac1d:2d64::1");
constexpr auto sixtofour = ip.sixtofour(); // get sixtofour
if (sixtofour) { // true
constexpr auto result = sixtofour.value();
return 0;

Convert to string

There are three different formats for converting IP addresses to strings as you can see below.

using namespace ipaddress;
int main() {
// For IP addresses version 4, the format has no effect
constexpr auto ip1 = ipv4_address::parse("");
auto str1 = ip1.to_string(); // equivalent to format::compressed
auto str2 = ip1.to_string(format::full); //
auto str3 = ip1.to_string(format::compact); //
auto str4 = ip1.to_string(format::compressed); //
constexpr auto ip2 = ipv6_address::parse("fe80::1ff:fe23:4567:890a%eth2");
auto str5 = ip2.to_string(); // equivalent to format::compressed
auto str6 = ip2.to_string(format::full); // fe80:0000:0000:0000:01ff:fe23:4567:890a%eth2
auto str7 = ip2.to_string(format::compact); // fe80:0:0:0:1ff:fe23:4567:890a%eth2
auto str8 = ip2.to_string(format::compressed); // fe80::1ff:fe23:4567:890a%eth2
auto reverse_pointer = ip2.reverse_pointer(); // a.
return 0;

IP networks

  • ipv4_network — A class for working with IPv4 networks.
  • ipv6_network — A class for working with IPv6 networks.
  • ip_network — Combines the ipv4_network and ipv6_network classes via a union. This ensures version-independent IP address manipulation. It has implicit constructors for converting from ipv4_network and ipv6_network. The instance size is the same as that of ipv6_network.

Networks store two IP addresses (network address and netmask), as well as the prefix length. This means that the size of a network instance will be 2 * sizeof(<ip_type>) + sizeof(size_t).

Working with networks is similar to working with addresses. So let's get straight to the examples.

Parsing ip network strings

Let's look at examples of obtaining networks from string literals and strings.

using namespace ipaddress;
int main() {
// Parsing string literals for IPv4 and IPv6
// For ipv4:
// if the mask (portion after the / in the argument) is provided in dotted
// quad form, it is considered a netmask if it begins with a non-zero field
// (e.g., / corresponds to a /8 netmask). Conversely, if it starts
// with a zero field (e.g.,, it is treated as a hostmask for
// the /8 prefix. The only exception is an all-zero mask, which is treated
// as a netmask equivalent to /0. If no mask is specified, the default is /32
constexpr auto net1 = ipv4_network::parse("");
constexpr auto net2 = ipv6_network::parse("2001:db8::/32");
constexpr auto net3 = ip_network::parse(""); // any version address
// Parsing string literals for IPv4 and IPv6 with the new syntax starting from C++20
// (Literal Classes as Non-type Template Parameters)
constexpr auto net4 = ipv4_network::parse<"">();
constexpr auto net5 = ipv6_network::parse<"2001:db8::/32">();
constexpr auto net6 = ip_network::parse<"">(); // any version address
// Parsing with User-defined literals
constexpr auto net7 = ""_ipv4_net;
constexpr auto net8 = "2001:db8::/32"_ipv6_net;
constexpr auto net9 = ""_net; // any version address
// Parsing at runtime. For example, when a string comes from an input
// field during execution or from any other source.
const char* str1 = "";
const std::string str2 = "2001:db8::/32";
auto net10 = ipv4_network::parse(str1);
auto net11 = ipv6_network::parse(str2);
auto net12 = ip_network::parse(str2); // any version address
return 0;
If the prefixlen is not present in the input string, then the length of the prefix will be equal to the maximum length (for ipv4 it is 32, and for ipv6 it is 128)

We can request various network parameters.

using namespace ipaddress;
int main() {
constexpr auto net1 = ip_network::parse("2001:db8::/32");
constexpr auto network_address1 = net1.network_address(); // 2001:db8::
constexpr auto broadcast_address1 = net1.broadcast_address(); // 2001:db8:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff
constexpr auto netmask1 = net1.netmask(); // ffff:ffff::
constexpr auto hostmask1 = net1.hostmask(); // ::ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff
constexpr auto prefixlen1 = net1.prefixlen(); // 32
constexpr auto net2 = ip_network::parse("");
constexpr auto network_address2 = net2.network_address(); //
constexpr auto broadcast_address2 = net2.broadcast_address(); //
constexpr auto netmask2 = net2.netmask(); //
constexpr auto hostmask2 = net2.hostmask(); //
constexpr auto prefixlen2 = net2.prefixlen(); // 24
// Non strict mode sample
constexpr auto net3 = ip_network::parse("", false);
constexpr auto network_address3 = net3.network_address(); //
constexpr auto broadcast_address3 = net3.broadcast_address(); //
constexpr auto netmask3 = net3.netmask(); //
constexpr auto hostmask3 = net3.hostmask(); //
constexpr auto prefixlen3 = net3.prefixlen(); // 16
return 0;

Create from address

A network can be created from an IP address and a prefixlen.

using namespace ipaddress;
int main() {
constexpr auto ip4 = ipv4_address::parse("");
constexpr auto ip6 = ipv6_address::parse("2002:ac1d:2d64::");
constexpr auto ip_any = ip_address::parse("2002:ac1d:2d64::");
constexpr ipv4_network net1 = ipv4_network::from_address(ip4, 24, false); // non strict mode sample
constexpr ipv6_network net2 = ipv6_network::from_address(ip6, 64);
constexpr ip_network net3 = ip_network::from_address(ip4, 32);
constexpr ip_network net4 = ip_network::from_address(ip6, 64);
constexpr ip_network net5 = ip_network::from_address(ip_any, 64);
return 0;
A class that encapsulates both IPv4 and IPv6 network functionalities.
Definition ip-any-network.hpp:70


For classes for working with IP networks, comparison operators and spaceship operator (for C++20 and newer) have been redefined.

using namespace ipaddress;
int main() {
constexpr auto net1 = ip_network::parse("2002:ac1d:2d64::/64");
constexpr auto net2 = ip_network::parse("2002:ac1d:2d64::"); // this is the same as 2002:ac1d:2d64::/128
constexpr auto test1 = net1 == net2; // false
constexpr auto test2 = net1 != net2; // true
constexpr auto test3 = net1 < net2; // true
constexpr auto test4 = net1 <= net2; // true
constexpr auto test5 = net1 >= net2; // false
constexpr auto test6 = net1 > net2; // false
constexpr auto net3 = ip_network::parse("2002:ac1d:2d64::/64");
constexpr auto net4 = ip_network::parse("2002:ac1d:2d64::%1/64");
constexpr auto test7 = net2 == net3; // false
constexpr auto test8 = net2 != net3; // true
constexpr auto test9 = net2 < net3; // false
constexpr auto test10 = net2 <= net3; // false
constexpr auto test11 = net2 >= net3; // true
constexpr auto test12 = net2 > net3; // true
constexpr auto test13 = net3 == net4; // false
constexpr auto test14 = net3 != net4; // true
constexpr auto test15 = net3 < net4; // true
constexpr auto test16 = net3 <= net4; // true
constexpr auto test17 = net3 >= net4; // false
constexpr auto test18 = net3 > net4; // false
return 0;


The library provides many properties for determining certain features of an IP network. Let's look at the example below (all possible properties are not presented here; for a more complete picture, see the documentation for the code).

As you can see, getting network properties is not much different from getting address properties.

using namespace ipaddress;
int main() {
constexpr auto test1 = ipv6_network::parse("ffff::").is_multicast(); // true
constexpr auto test2 = ip_network::parse("fdff::").is_multicast(); // false
constexpr auto test3 = ipv4_network::parse("").is_reserved(); // true
constexpr auto test4 = ip_network::parse("").is_reserved(); // false
return 0;

Convert to string

There are three different formats for converting IP networks to strings as you can see below.

using namespace ipaddress;
int main() {
// For IP addresses version 4, the format has no effect
constexpr auto net1 = ip_network::parse("");
auto str1 = net1.to_string(); //
constexpr auto net2 = ip_network::parse("2001:db8::/32");
auto str2 = net2.to_string(); // equivalent to format::compressed
auto str3 = net2.to_string(format::full); // 2001:0db8:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000/32
auto str4 = net2.to_string(format::compact); // 2001:db8:0:0:0:0:0:0/32
auto str5 = net2.to_string(format::compressed); // 2001:db8::/32
return 0;

Scope Id

The library supports Scope Id both as numeric values and as strings.

By default, Scope Id are enabled, and their maximum size is 16 characters (defined by IPADDRESS_IPV6_SCOPE_MAX_LENGTH during compilation). Yes, the scope id is internally represented as a fixed-size array, and its maximum size cannot be changed dynamically. This means that you cannot store a scope id longer than IPADDRESS_IPV6_SCOPE_MAX_LENGTH. There are several reasons for this design choice: simplicity in storing scope id, avoiding additional allocations (all data for the IP address will be as local as possible in memory), and enabling working with scope id in a constexpr manner.

If you are certain that you don't need Scope Id, you can completely disable them to avoid any overhead related to their maintenance. This can be done by defining IPADDRESS_NO_IPV6_SCOPE during compilation. In this case, the instance size of ipv6_address and ip_address will be 16 bytes, and all operations related to retrieving or modifying the scope id will have no effect.

For IP addresses ipv6_address and ip_address, functionality is supported for obtaining and changing scope id.

#include <iostream>
using namespace ipaddress;
int main() {
constexpr auto ip1 = ipv6_address::parse("fe80::1ff:fe23:4567:890a%eth2");
constexpr auto scope_id = ip1.get_scope_id();
if (scope_id) {
constexpr auto is_integer = scope_id.has_uint32(); // false
constexpr auto is_string = scope_id.has_string(); // true
std::cout << "scope id is integer for ip1: " << std::boolalpha << is_integer << std::endl;
std::cout << "scope id is string for ip1: " << std::boolalpha << is_string << std::endl;
std::cout << "scope id for ip1: " << scope_id.get_string() << std::endl;
// If IPv4 is stored in ip_address, then methods for working with the scope id have no effect
auto ip2 = ip_address::parse("fe80::1ff:fe23:4567:890a");
std::cout << "has scope id for ip2: " << std::boolalpha << (bool) ip2.get_scope_id() << std::endl;
auto test_scope_id = ip2.get_scope_id();
if (test_scope_id) {
auto is_integer = test_scope_id.has_uint32(); // true
auto is_string = test_scope_id.has_string(); // true
std::cout << "scope id is integer for ip2: " << std::boolalpha << is_integer << std::endl;
std::cout << "scope id is string for ip2: " << std::boolalpha << is_string << std::endl;
std::cout << "scope id for ip2: " << test_scope_id.get_uint32() << std::endl;
return 0;
By default, the use of whitespace characters in the scope id is not permitted. If a whitespace character is found in the incoming string within the scope id (for example, fe80::1ff:fe23:4567:890aet h2), an error with the code error_code::invalid_scope_id will be generated. However, if for some reason you need to parse and save spaces in the scope id, you can define the macro IPADDRESS_SCOPE_ID_SUPPORT_SPACES.

Std overrides

If, for some reason, you don't want the library to overload standard functions, you can define IPADDRESS_NO_OVERLOAD_STD during compilation.

The library overloads some functions from the standard library so that IP addresses and networks (ipv4_address, ipv6_address, ip_address, ipv4_network, ipv6_network and ip_network) can be used in hash tables and other standard operations on std::swap, etc.

#include <iostream>
#include <unordered_map>
using namespace ipaddress;
int main() {
constexpr auto ip1 = ip_address::parse("");
constexpr auto ip2 = ip_address::parse("2001:db8::1");
constexpr auto ip3 = ip_address::parse("2001:db8::1%scope");
// Added partial specialization for hash calculation
std::unordered_map<ip_address, int> container;
container[ip1] = 1;
container[ip2] = 2;
container[ip3] = 3;
for (const auto& [key, value] : container) {
std::cout << key << ": " << value << std::endl;
// Overloaded operators for parsing and writing to streams (char type only)
std::cout << ip2 << std::endl; // 2001:db8::1
std::cout << full << ip2 << std::endl; // 2001:0db8:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001
std::cout << compact << ip2 << std::endl; // 2001:db8:0:0:0:0:0:1
std::cout << compressed << ip2 << std::endl; // 2001:db8::1
ip_address r1, r2;
std::istringstream ss1(" test");
std::istringstream ss2("2001:db8:0:0:0:0:0:1%scope test");
ss1 >> r1;
ss2 >> r2;
std::cout << "has errors: " << std::boolalpha << (ss1.fail() || ss2.fail()) << std::endl; // has errors: false
std::cout << r1 << std::endl; //
std::cout << r2 << std::endl; // 2001:db8::1%scope
ip_network n1, n2;
std::istringstream ss3(" non strict mode sample");
std::istringstream ss4("2001:db8::/32 test");
ss3 >> non_strict >> n1; // non strict mode sample
ss4 >> n2;
std::cout << "has errors: " << std::boolalpha << (ss3.fail() || ss4.fail()) << std::endl; // has errors: false
std::cout << n1 << std::endl; //
std::cout << n2 << std::endl; // 2001:db8::/32
return 0;
A class that represents an IP address, supporting both IPv4 and IPv6 formats.
Definition ip-any-address.hpp:73