ipaddress 1.1.0
This is the complete list of members for uint128_t, including all inherited members.
format enum name | uint128_t | |
from_string(const std::string &str, format fmt=format::decimal) noexcept | uint128_t | inlinestatic |
from_string(const std::wstring &str, format fmt=format::decimal) noexcept | uint128_t | inlinestatic |
from_string(const std::u16string &str, format fmt=format::decimal) noexcept | uint128_t | inlinestatic |
from_string(const std::u32string &str, format fmt=format::decimal) noexcept | uint128_t | inlinestatic |
from_string(const std::u8string &str, format fmt=format::decimal) noexcept | uint128_t | inlinestatic |
from_string(const T(&str)[N], format fmt=format::decimal) noexcept | uint128_t | inlinestatic |
hash() const noexcept | uint128_t | inline |
lower() const noexcept | uint128_t | inline |
operator bool() const noexcept | uint128_t | inlineexplicit |
operator char() const noexcept | uint128_t | inlineexplicit |
operator double() const noexcept | uint128_t | inlineexplicit |
operator float() const noexcept | uint128_t | inlineexplicit |
operator int() const noexcept | uint128_t | inlineexplicit |
operator long() const noexcept | uint128_t | inlineexplicit |
operator long double() const noexcept | uint128_t | inlineexplicit |
operator long long() const noexcept | uint128_t | inlineexplicit |
operator short() const noexcept | uint128_t | inlineexplicit |
operator signed char() const noexcept | uint128_t | inlineexplicit |
operator unsigned char() const noexcept | uint128_t | inlineexplicit |
operator unsigned int() const noexcept | uint128_t | inlineexplicit |
operator unsigned long() const noexcept | uint128_t | inlineexplicit |
operator unsigned long long() const noexcept | uint128_t | inlineexplicit |
operator unsigned short() const noexcept | uint128_t | inlineexplicit |
operator!() const noexcept | uint128_t | inline |
operator!=(T lower) const noexcept | uint128_t | inline |
operator!=(const uint128_t &other) const noexcept | uint128_t | inline |
operator%(const uint128_t &other) const noexcept | uint128_t | inline |
operator%=(const uint128_t &other) noexcept | uint128_t | inline |
operator&(const uint128_t &other) const noexcept | uint128_t | inline |
operator&&(const uint128_t &other) const noexcept | uint128_t | inline |
operator&=(const uint128_t &other) noexcept | uint128_t | inline |
operator*(const uint128_t &other) const noexcept | uint128_t | inline |
operator*=(const uint128_t &other) noexcept | uint128_t | inline |
operator+() const noexcept | uint128_t | inline |
operator+(const uint128_t &other) const noexcept | uint128_t | inline |
operator++() noexcept | uint128_t | inline |
operator++(int) noexcept | uint128_t | inline |
operator+=(const uint128_t &other) noexcept | uint128_t | inline |
operator-() const noexcept | uint128_t | inline |
operator-(const uint128_t &other) const noexcept | uint128_t | inline |
operator--() noexcept | uint128_t | inline |
operator--(int) noexcept | uint128_t | inline |
operator-=(const uint128_t &other) noexcept | uint128_t | inline |
operator/(const uint128_t &other) const noexcept | uint128_t | inline |
operator/=(const uint128_t &other) noexcept | uint128_t | inline |
operator<(T lower) const noexcept | uint128_t | inline |
operator<(const uint128_t &other) const noexcept | uint128_t | inline |
operator<<(T shift) const noexcept | uint128_t | inline |
operator<<=(T shift) noexcept | uint128_t | inline |
operator<=(T lower) const noexcept | uint128_t | inline |
operator<=(const uint128_t &other) const noexcept | uint128_t | inline |
operator=(const uint128_t &other) noexcept=default | uint128_t | |
operator=(uint128_t &&other) noexcept=default | uint128_t | |
operator==(T lower) const noexcept | uint128_t | inline |
operator==(const uint128_t &other) const noexcept | uint128_t | inline |
operator>(T lower) const noexcept | uint128_t | inline |
operator>(const uint128_t &other) const noexcept | uint128_t | inline |
operator>=(T lower) const noexcept | uint128_t | inline |
operator>=(const uint128_t &other) const noexcept | uint128_t | inline |
operator>>(T shift) const noexcept | uint128_t | inline |
operator>>=(T shift) noexcept | uint128_t | inline |
operator^(const uint128_t &other) const noexcept | uint128_t | inline |
operator^=(const uint128_t &other) noexcept | uint128_t | inline |
operator|(const uint128_t &other) const noexcept | uint128_t | inline |
operator|=(const uint128_t &other) noexcept | uint128_t | inline |
operator||(const uint128_t &other) const noexcept | uint128_t | inline |
operator~() const noexcept | uint128_t | inline |
swap(uint128_t &other) noexcept | uint128_t | inline |
to_string(format fmt=format::decimal) const | uint128_t | inline |
to_u16string(format fmt=format::decimal) const | uint128_t | inline |
to_u32string(format fmt=format::decimal) const | uint128_t | inline |
to_u8string(format fmt=format::decimal) const | uint128_t | inline |
to_wstring(format fmt=format::decimal) const | uint128_t | inline |
uint128_t() noexcept=default | uint128_t | |
uint128_t(const uint128_t &other) noexcept=default | uint128_t | |
uint128_t(uint128_t &&other) noexcept=default | uint128_t | |
uint128_t(uint64_t upper, uint64_t lower) noexcept | uint128_t | inline |
uint128_t(unsigned long long lower) noexcept | uint128_t | inline |
uint128_t(unsigned long lower) noexcept | uint128_t | inline |
uint128_t(unsigned int lower) noexcept | uint128_t | inline |
uint128_t(unsigned short lower) noexcept | uint128_t | inline |
uint128_t(long long lower) noexcept | uint128_t | inline |
uint128_t(long lower) noexcept | uint128_t | inline |
uint128_t(int lower) noexcept | uint128_t | inline |
uint128_t(short lower) noexcept | uint128_t | inline |
uint128_t(double value) noexcept | uint128_t | inlineexplicit |
uint128_t(long double value) noexcept | uint128_t | inlineexplicit |
uint128_t(float value) noexcept | uint128_t | inlineexplicit |
upper() const noexcept | uint128_t | inline |